Saturday, December 1, 2007


The longest common word without any of the five vowels is RHYTHMS.
The shortest word containing all five vowels exactly once is the six-letter EUNOIA, meaning alertness of mind an will (and also the title of a book by Canadian poet Christian Bok).
The shortest word with the five vowels occurring in alphabetical order is AERIOUS (airy), which has seven letters. The longest such word is PHRAGELLIORHYNCHUS (a protozoan) with 18 letters.
ULTRAREVOLUTIONARIES has each vowel exactly twice. The shortest such word is CUBOIDEONAVICULARE, and the longest, USSOLZEWIECHINOGAMMARUS (a small crustacean).
Some English words..................
Floccinaucinihilipilification = It means "the estimation of something as worthless."
Examples: I loved him for nothing so much as his floccinaucinihilipilification of money. --William Shenstone, Letters
Some more english words:
They must be taken with an air of contempt, a floccinaucinihilipilification of all that can gratify the outward man. --Sir Walter Scott, Journal
The longest word in the dictionary containing no letter more than once is "smiley." (There is a mile between the first and last letter.)

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