Saturday, December 1, 2007


The longest English word:
The question of determining the longest English word inevitably boils down to defining what is acceptable as a word, since prefixes/suffixes can be adjoined to words to make longer words and because medical/chemical terms can get arbitrarily long. Further, most contenders for the honor of being the longest word are likely to be very rare in actual usage - so rare , in fact that they could be considered nonce words. The most common candidates for the crown, in my opinion, are
antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters),
f loccinaucinihilipilification
(29 letters) and
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (45 letters).
The first is the only one of the three that was not specifically constructed for the purpose of being a very long word. It means opposition to the separation of church and state. The second, meaning the estimation of something as worthless, is the longest non-technical word in the OED. The latter, supposedly a lung disease, appears to be a semi-serious concoction.

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